Archive for September, 2018

September 16, 2018

Why False Beliefs Are Hard to Shake

Why do some people seriously think the Earth is flat? Turns out, they aren’t good at judging how certain they should be.

Source: Why False Beliefs Are Hard to Shake

September 15, 2018

There’s A Reason Dog is God Spelled Backwards

A little-known fact about God charmingly illustrated.

Source: There’s A Reason Dog is God Spelled Backwards

September 10, 2018

How religious fundamentalism hijacks your brain, as explained by a…

If we want to inoculate society against the harms of fundamentalist ideologies, we must start thinking differently

Source: How religious fundamentalism hijacks your brain, as explained by a…

September 9, 2018

OPINION: World without religion; world without hypocrisy | The Guardian

Palamattam yearns for the good old days when the Catholic Church was in charge, its dogmas unchallenged

Source: OPINION: World without religion; world without hypocrisy | The Guardian

September 8, 2018

Portrait of the Environmentalist as a Young Arsonist

Source: Portrait of the Environmentalist as a Young Arsonist

September 8, 2018

Why Science Fiction Is the Most Important Genre

Historian Yuval Noah Harari believes sci-fi has the power to shape public opinion.

Source: Why Science Fiction Is the Most Important Genre