Archive for December, 2011

December 31, 2011

Resolved! 2012

      Despite what Calvin  says, I  have  a few resolutions for 2012. It will be , for me, a year of going back. Of returning things lost.

I’ll be going back to the gym.  I was a  five days a week  guy for a couple of years and then I got off track. I always felt better when I was going and I ‘ve got to get back in the routine.

I’ll be going back to growing a vegetable garden.  I can hardly wait. I’m already making plans. I used to do it all the time but in recent years I’ve always had “better ways to spend my time.” I was wrong.  I have the time now and I’m  going to take it.

I’m going back to keeping up with my writing and my daily journal. I want to get my poetry groove back on.

I resolve to going back  to the truth. For years, largely because of the nature of my work, I tried to avoid conflict and  be “nice” to every one, even people I didn’t particularly like.  I  tried to see  all sides of issues and compromised my principles to avoid conflicts.  From here on I will tell the truth,  even if it offends some folks.

I resolve to love more deeply those I care about, to eat, laugh, drink and sing as I am moved to do, and  to live, live,  live.

Finally, I resolve to get back on my motorcycle and ride until I can’t ride anymore.  Wherever the road leads, there I will go.


Happy New Year Everyone!





December 30, 2011

Michael Schermer: Baloney Detection Kit

It’s called Science. This should be required viewing  for every high school student and they should have to view it annually.


December 30, 2011

Veggie Porn!

Carrot Love


December 29, 2011

Atheize the Dead!

Wish to convert a friend, relative, acquaintance, loved one, or stranger to atheism but feel that you missed your opportunity because they’re dead? Well worry no more! now provides a handy service whereby we atheize the deceased completely free of charge!!!

Why worry that your special person is trapped in eternal torment or bored to death in constant bliss? Just fill in the information  and click the Atheize! button to get the ball rolling!

Co to the Atheize The Dead page

December 28, 2011

GOP Candidates in Iowa for Final Push

December 28, 2011

Free Your Mind

December 28, 2011

Racism and War

“The U.S. Government doesn’t drop bombs on people because of their race. Washington’s geopolitical agendas lead to military actions. But racial biases make the war process easier when the people being killed and maimed aren’t white people. An oversize elephant in the room is a reality that few journalists talk about in public: the USA keeps waging war on countries where the victims resemble people who often experience personal and institutional racism in the United States.”


This War and Racism By Norman Solomon   Media Beat
December 28, 2011

Year in Review: Congress’ 10 biggest enemies of the Earth

From the L.A. TIMES  I’m republishing in it’s entirety

Republicans launched an unprecedented frontal assault against environmental protections and regulations this year, prompting Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) to call his chamber “the most anti-environment House in history.” Here are the 10 most powerful and outspoken opponents of clean air, clean water, conservation and climate action.

10. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. Thought to be the biggest lifetime recipient of oil-industry contributions in the Senate, Cornyn has rewarded Exxon-Mobil’s largesse by supporting the industry’s position on pretty much every energy or environmental issue that has ever appeared before him. That’s why he, like everyone on this list, has a “0” on the League of Conservation Voters’ scorecard for pro-environment votes.

9. Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska. A tireless advocate for opening Alaska’s pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, Young was involved in one of the more entertaining name-calling spats in Congress this year when he got into a tiff over the refuge with author and professor Doug Brinkley. You can be the judge of who won by watching the video replay.

8. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista. There may have been a time when the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee lived up to its name, investigating and bringing to light incidents of government waste, fraud and abuse. But I can’t remember back that far. In recent decades it has served as a tool for the majority party in the House to bash and embarrass the presidential administration, at least during times such as now when the House isn’t controlled by the president’s party. Issa, the committee’s current chairman, has turned such political gamesmanship into an art form, and has been particularly keen to attack environmental regulators and policymakers. In so doing he has turned up precious little waste or fraud, but provided plenty of political theater for those who want to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency or end subsidies for clean energy.

7. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Ohio. Latta has the distinction of sponsoring the most far-reaching and destructive amendment to the most egregious anti-environment bill passed by the House this year. The TRAIN Act, approved by the House in September but not expected to get through the Senate, is a breathtaking (literally) gift to polluters that creates a committee to study the costs but ignore the benefits of environmental regulation, while also blocking EPA efforts to crack down on deadly emissions from power plants. Latta’s contribution is an amendment that undermines a cornerstone of the Clean Air Act, requiring the EPA to take industry costs into account when setting health-based standards. This would allow corporate polluters to overrule scientists and strikes at the heart of the polluter-pays principle that has guided environmental policy for 40 years.

6. Rep. Edward Whitfield, R-Ky. Another architect of the TRAIN wreck, Whitfield offered an amendment that would block the EPA from regulating mercury and other toxics from power plants, and from coming up with a rule on smog and soot that crosses state lines. Together, these two regulations would save an estimated 51,000 lives per year. But what are a few thousand lives when utility profits are at stake?

5. Sen. James M. Inhofe, R-Okla. One of the most outspoken climate-change deniers in the Senate (he’s renowned for calling global warming “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people”), Inhofe is also one of the most influential Republicans in the country when it comes to environmental policy. As ranking member of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, he uses his position to push for expanded oil drilling and reduce environmental regulation. Inhofe sometimes even finds himself to the right of the polluter-packed U.S. Chamber of Commerce; this summer he placed a hold on President Obama’s nominee John Bryson as Commerce secretary, even though Bryson had the blessing of the Chamber, because Inhofe felt Bryson was too pro-environment.

4. Rep. Michael Simpson, R-Idaho. Simpson has stepped to the front lines of his party’s war on Mother Nature by adding dozens of anti-environment riders to must-pass budget legislation. Among other things, Simpson aims to let mountaintop coal-mining operations continue to pollute streams, prevent the EPA from regulating coal-ash disposal, and exempt pesticide sprayers from complying with the Clean Water Act.

3. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. The enforcer of Republican Party discipline, Senate Minority Leader McConnell is among the key architects of his party’s stance on environmental issues. In 2009, when Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was among the few Republicans willing to discuss a bipartisan climate bill with Democrats, it was McConnell who reportedly convinced him to back away. This spring he led a failed effort to block the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions and overrule its finding that climate change threatens public health — tantamount to a statement that politicians know more about the dangers of climate change than scientists.

2. Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va. The House Majority Leader released a memo in late August listing the top 10 “job-destroying regulations” his party would battle in the remainder of the congressional session. Seven were environmental rules opposed by the fossil fuel industry, including restrictions on emissions from industrial boilers and cement plants, and proposed rulemaking on smog, farm soot and greenhouse gases. None of these rules really threaten jobs, but failing to approve them would certainly threaten lives.

1. Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich. As chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Upton is the gatekeeper for many of the disastrous anti-environment bills that have been approved or proposed in the House this year. Ironically, he was once known among his state’s conservatives as “Red Fred” because of a somewhat pro-environment voting record, but a recent electoral challenge from his right changed all that. Because of his powerful position and newfound disdain for green regulation, he represents one of the biggest threats to planet Earth on planet Earth.

December 28, 2011

Ron Paul Campaign Slogan, 2012


December 27, 2011

Newt Gingrich: Is He a Cannibal, and Why is He Still Alive?

Newt Gingrich, serial adulterer, self-aggrandizing “historian”, former Southern Baptist, now Roman Catholic, wants to be President.   I have questions.  For instance with two divorces behind him and admitted affairs, does he  take Holy Communion? Does he participate in the cannibalistic ritual of eating  and drinking the flesh and blood of Christ? If so, then how did he get around the RCC’s squeamishness about divorces, particularly considering that Newt has been lying all along about his first  divorce. It seems that he filed the papers himself and  it was not by mutual agreement. Old friends have quoted him has saying  at the time,  ‘You know and I know that she’s not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president.'”  He then went on to his second marriage during which he had a six-year affair with a congressional aide, his current wife Calista. During this adulterous affair he  was pushing for the impeachment of Bill Clinton  for similar offenses. When he divorced  his second wife, he did it in typical Newt fashion when according to her he asked his whore to marry him before he even asked her for a divorce.. These things would seem to disqualify him from eating Jesus, but as any Lutheran boy who went through three years of confirmation classes can tell you( I for one), one of the things that got Martin Luther’s panties in a twist was the Catholic sale of indulgences, i.e, Heavenly forgiveness for cash. The Church has allegedly outlawed the practice, but,wouldn’t it be nice to have a well known Tiffany shopper in your parish? Who knows for sure?

Which brings me to my next question. Why is Newt still among the living. Doesn’t the Bible  specify death for  adulterers? I believe the good book lists stoning as the preferred method? Why aren’t the Christofacists all over this one.  Here you have a serial philanderer, to whom the 6th commandment appears to be a trivial matter. Stone him at the gates of the city, I say! Or, you could ignore the  cheating and lying and  elect the bastard President anyway. It would be the Republican thing to do.  SOB

Newt and his current adulteress